Events and Announcements

Click each month to view events and announcements.

February 2023

2/27/23 update: The 2022 Accountant's Report for the Commons is now available. Click here to view the accountant's assessment of the Commons financial procedures.

October 2022

10/13/22 update: The minutes from the Commons Annual Meeting are now available. Click here to view.

March 2022

3/15/22 update: The 2021 Accountant's Report for the Commons is now available. Click here to view the accountant's assessment of the Commons financial procedures.

December 2021

12/31/21 update: The 16th Amendment has been approved. See the Documents page for a copy of the new amendment and the updated Rules.

November 2021

11/24/21 update: The Commons Board of Directors received your questions and comments included with the Annual Meeting Ballot. Click here for the full Sierrafield Commons Q&A including the Board's responses.

May 2021

5/11/21 update: Community Yard Sales will be held Friday, May 14, and Saturday, May 15, starting at 9am. This will be the only yard sale permitted this year. Advertisements and signs will be handled by the Property Management office.

March 2021

3/30/21 update: Association-wide dryer vent cleaning will begin in April. All Commons units will be included, and residents do not need to be home. 

February 2021

2/23/21 update: The 2020 Accountant's Report for the Commons is now available. Click here to view the accountant's assessment of the Commons financial procedures.

January 2021

1/27/21 update:  As noted in the 2021 budget, the Board has decided to have all Commons dryer vents cleaned this summer for the sake of fire safety and cost savings when performing for all units. You will be notified when the service will be performed. There is no need to schedule your own separate vent cleaning unless you have an urgent need.

1/13/21 update: Any resident interested in part-time work across the three associations with experience repairing buildings, working on tile lines, performing irrigation repair, or other related experience is invited to contact the Property Manager’s office for more details on the open handyman position.

September 2020

9/17/20 update: Don't forget to return your Annual Meeting ballot to the office no later than Wednesday, September 30. See the Commons Chronicle for more information.

August 2020

8/13/20 update: The Boards have all agreed that due to low participation and high advertising costs, the Annual Garage Sale will be cancelled this year.

July 2020

7/27/20 update: The Commons Mulch should now be completed. The Trails is still in progress. Once completed, the company will drive through to make sure all areas were mulched as expected. Please contact the office with any concerns.

7/27/20 update: Due to ongoing COVID concerns, the September Annual Meeting will be held via physical mail for the safety of our residents. Be sure to check your mailbox around this time for important information.